
Spring is seriously considering springing up here, despite the best efforts of the Canadians to export their surplus of cold air down here. Today was beautiful – clear, 30’s, and only slightly breezy, and I’m out of my head with stress. Not bad stress, but the good kind of productive stress. The company’s annual meeting was good, I’ve made a breakthrough with a project at work, and I finally get to travel a little again (Just an overnighter down to Norfolk, but hey – I love the smell of jet fuel). Plus, on the way down, I’ll get to see if Jeff’s really speakin’ truth about the flight into National (though not from first class – it’s the taxpayer’s dime as I’m wearing my sailor’s cap, and we fly distinctly coach. Which is a step up, smell-wise, from some ways I’ve traveled on your nickle.)

Saturday was three miles early prior to the annual meeting – (3.3 miles in 29:10 to be specific). I completely love the 3 mile route from our Waterford office – great hills (about 500 vertical feet in two big hills – first about 60-70 feet, second big hill about 150-160′ total, pastoral views everywhere despite being right next to IH-95, and only steps from the shower at either end.

Sunday, I did intervals on the treadmill. 32 minutes, about 3 miles. 90 seconds jogging, 30 seconds sprint. Dunno what good they did.

Yesterday, I blew off since work was tough, and I needed to get home for the Boy’s birthday. Boy was feeling snarky – hopefully his party with friends will be better this weekend. We’ll see.

Today – Got to work way early, got ready for a 9 AM meeting, did the meeting, followed up on some minor tasks, and 11 AM rolled around. I said “pshew”, grabbed the shoes, and went out to recharge the batteries (I’ve come to the conclusion I’m solar powered, which is a revelation after more than 15 years believing I was beer fueled. Both were distinct possibilities after burning out while going to sea in submarines.)

On the way out to the end of the causeway on the Navy Base, I tried to keep the HR down below 150 – not quite down in the “fat buring” where I’ve been for the last couple of weeks, but gentle. Managed to fight off the “small dog” syndrome just after going through the gate when I spotted some folks up ahead by zigging when I normally zag.

Man, what a day. The bay was crystal, the wind just brisk enough, the geese were pooping in the water, not the path, and life is good. Made it out to the turn at about 24 minutes, or at just over 9 minute miles.

The way back, I said “to heck with buring fat – let’s run”. So I did. Back to the building in just under 20 minutes! Felt good, felt strong, felt like what i needed to do.

So, listening to my body seems to be working. I’m starting to get concerned that I’m going to end up fatter this year than I was last year – 28 March was when I hit 169. I’d worry, but not so much. The weight loss will come (especially if I stop eating crap, which is a sacrifice I’m not yet ready to make).

I do need to start thinking about making the sacrifice – I checked out my early-December goals, and am nowhere close to making any of them physically. But mentally, I’m making great strides.

4 thoughts on “Spring”

  1. Jeff is right, and I would argue that any flight into National is a good one. I did it this weekend:) But this is NOT spring, Bill. It may be coming, but it’s not here yet!

  2. Remember the old saying “Free your mind and your body will follow.”? Laying the mental groundwork may be just what you need to jumpstart those goals!

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